
Showing posts from January, 2021

Is it unclean for women in Sri Lanka on the Bo courtyard ?

Like every man born into the world, Prince Siddhartha came to life not only from the semen of a man. But also from the intimacy, semen, and an ovum in a man and a woman. The Buddha was a  great philosopher born in this world. Prince Siddhartha grew up in the womb of a woman and was born into this world through the vagina of a woman. After the enlightenment of Prince Siddhartha, the first milk offering was made by a woman. The Tooth Relic was brought to this country by a woman. Prohibition of the upper courtyard for women is not a concept of the Supreme Buddha, but a concept developed by the monks after the Supreme Buddha. This is one example, I found this example in our own home. Our mom and dad tell my brother not to go under my vines. When men go under the vines where women's clothes are worn. One day my brother forgot to go under a vine and beat me to death. He said ‘I forgot that this karma was creeping underneath.’ If a man gets ugly when he goes under a woman's dress or i...

What is this E - Money ?

 What is e-money that everyone is talking about today? What are the ways to earn e-money?  Many freedom-seeking people today are turning to e-money. There are definitely hours to work when doing a job. There is also a fixed amount received at the end of the month. Also, if the amount received at the end of the month increases, you have to wait for at least a year. Also, the amount increases by a small amount. The covid - 19 viruses have now spread around the world. As a result, many people are losing their jobs. At the same time, they face many challenges when it comes to employment. Due to this reason, many people are now motivated to earn money through e-money. The special thing about many people turning to e-money is that they are able to increase their economic level from an active income to a passive income. Everyone has a story to tell. That is, if you go to work, you are not free. If you go in search of freedom, there is no job. But in the e-money system, you also get t...

Is it true that when a human being is born into this world, everything is brought from birth ?

When a baby is born with a naked body, what does a person bring into the world? Knowledge, ability, and money? No. When a baby is born with a normal mind, a human brings only a body, a heart, a brain, and a mind in that body. As a person grows older, learns everything through study. Spoken language is learned according to the environment in which they grow up.  There is a saying among some people in Sri Lanka that everything has to be brought from birth, some abilities. Any human being has the ability to bring from soul to soul before. I have mentioned it in previous content. And no ability should be taken from the soul before. If a person likes something, can learn it. And it can be mastered. If anyone likes something, think about it first. This thing is usually called dreaming. Or say imagination in scientific language.  It is more powerful when a person does something with their mind than when a person does something with their body. There is a saying that anything can be d...

Choose your own path, be yourself

People born into this world can be reduced into 3 parts. When 3 parallel straight lines are drawn, there is only one group in the centerline. Let's call those people, ordinary people. They are born into this world, live in the same way as everyone else, and die someday. But none of those people are in trouble. They live in the way of society, in the way of the world, or in the way of their descendants. The majority of people living in this world belong to this category. And others belong to the line above the centerline that belongs to the group mentioned above. When the people in the middle line are all on the same road, these people are looking for new roads. Trying to go to new roads. I think these are the people in the fullest sense of the word. If a human is a superior being of the mind, they do not have to say or do anything that anyone does or says. Something new needs to be rethought. But such people are seen by many as people who live abnormally. These are the kind of peop...

Mind, Science and Law of Natural

 There is something called science in this world. it's something everyone knows. But there's something else associated with science. It's called a Law. Maybe it won't have a name. But there is something else in this world that is related to science. It builds on the human mind. Through human thought. This is called imagination. When one thinks of something, it is connected with nature. When the power of nature and human thought is involved, it becomes law. Through it, what a person thinks and desires becomes a reality. This is called the " Law of Natural " Science is built in a laboratory. It is something that catches the eye or the hand. But the Law of Nature does not catch the eye or the hand. It is formed by bonding with humans through and nature. It cannot be proved in a laboratory.  But many people in this world have conquered life through the concept of the Law of Natural. One can imagine this. This can happen spontaneously in another person. Somehow thi...