Merit, Demerit and Karma
It is always a lowly human who hurts or causes trouble to a good human. If you are hurt by someone's actions, words or feelings, It's not your fault, It's that person's fault. There is a concept called 'Karma'. According to that Karma, even if you have not done any evil deed in this soul, you will one day have to pay for even the evil deed which was filled in the soul. Let it pay. Whatever it is, endure as much as God and live the God within you. Sometimes gets angry. Let go of that anger, not to hurt yourself or those who offend you, but only to vent your anger. But you pay that Karma to people, not to animals or trees. If a human is superior in mind, you must maintain that superiority. Even for a deed done in the previous soul, another human pays for another human or several. So if a human is superior in mind, why does that human become a sinner and take revenge on another? This is not Karma, but the sacrifice of another innocent life to a human who is stupid...